Monday, February 15, 2010

All you need is love :)

I've decided not to pursue sewing as anything more than a hobby. So, I'm rededicating my blog to my general ramblings :) "Sew in Love" can represent many other things than my love of sewing pieces of fabric together - it reflects the idea of reaping what you sow. So sowing love - whether in my marriage, friendships, or community -- will be my pursuit.

I'm currently enjoying the last hours of a wonderful three-day weekend. Our favorite house guest, Mr. Steve Golden, came down and spent Valentine's day with us. Steve recently visited Haiti and was in the country when the earthquake occurred - so we had the opportunity to hear about the things he experienced. Steve is currently waiting to go back to Haiti this spring to hopefully continue efforts at the orphanage he was serving at the time of the earthquake. The orphanage is supported by U.S. churches and housed 80 children of all ages before the earthquake. It's currently unclear how many they will end up supporting in this aftermath. There have been estimates of over 1 million orphans now in Haiti.

While Steve was down, Austin bought another Jamie Oliver cook book--so the boys made a wonderful Indian curry dish for our Valentine's Day dinner together. The boys always cook up a storm when they are together. (My most memorable meals was the dish they made for my 22nd birthday - amazing rice pilaf. Who knew?) Let's just say we like to eat when we are together :)

Austin also got me a Kurt Vonnegut biography for Valentine's day. Vonnegut is one of my favorite people. If I had a dinner party with anyone from the past or present - I think it would include Vonnegut, Tina Fey, Joseph Smith, Andrew Jackson, Paul McCartney, and William Shatner :) I digress....

Overall, it was a great Valentine's day weekend. I plan on spending the rest with furry love of my life for the rest of the night while Austin has class.

All you need is love :)

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