Friday, September 4, 2009

Beauty and the Quilt

Happy Friday!

I finally finished one of my the baby quilts I've been working on. I'm happy with how it turned out. I didn't have a pattern for this one, but it was pretty straight-forward (forgive the pic - I'm determined to get more professional photos ASAP!) :

So, thinking I had such great luck without using a pattern, I decided to throw another one together with scraps leftover from this quilt and a few other projects. I quickly learned that I should probably stick with a pattern. And I learned that too many prints can be a bit too much. Austin lovingly called this quilt "Asian Pink Princess"....I think its just "ADD Punk Princess". (The pic doesn't do the colors justice, about it is quite busy): is in the eye of the alteast the hubby likes it!

So ready for a three-day weekend ---going to work on projects for all the baby showers coming up! (EVERYONE around me is pregnant....theres something in the water!). What are your plans??

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